Monday, February 15, 2010


told you i'd get these up soon :) its about time, i don't think i've ever uploaded pictures on this have i? enjoy

with friends at school

more friends


this is the gado-gado padang

and the van where it was made

with a family friend, my host brother, and his daughter

my host brother, his wife, me, host sister, niece, host sister, family friend

durian! so weird but so good. i love it.

my host sister and some of her friends

i'll get more up as they come. i don't really have much to say...everything's going well still. you know, just school and stuff. not too exciting. today there was a really big rain storm. i was watching tv and then the room light up and there was a bang of seriously the loudest thunder i have ever heard. it scared me. i went to look out the window to see sleeting rain, making everything look smeared and wet. it is so amazing. i love rain. i've actually really started loving all the weather here. sometimes it really is too freaking hot i don't think its healthy but its grown on me. i'm probably going to freeze to death next year haha.
i'll post again when something happens.


Mutti said...

Wow, these pictures are great! I love the jilbab. How cool that you get to wear one! The durian looks really weird. The gado gado padang looks really good. You look wonderful and very happy. Yay!!!!!


Hannah said...

You're friends are so cute!! We miss you -- hope you're doing well. Some thunderstorms sound really nice right now.

Sarah Sheen said...

You are for REAL. <3

Anonymous said...

Flannery... looks like you enjoy indonesia... lol

about durian what do you think ??
i love that too !! hhhahaha

but one time i found one in USA, and i give it to my family here in USA, but they dont like it, craapp !! hahahahaha

Hanan blog said...

cool! where do you school? Is it in Al-Azhar?